Estes Fall 2024 Weekly Journals

Week 9

Monday                                                                                           September 2, 2024

Today is Labor Day, so we did not have class today. However, we held study groups for our Chapter 14 test out of the entrepreneurship textbook. It’s our final test, so this is our last chance to improve our GPAs for this class. We are all shooting for the best scores possible. Then we went to lunch and had cheeseburgers with pickles and all the condiments. We also had strawberry cake, which was delicious. We were full and the quality was pretty good too, so we were thankful for that.

Our team leader also tested our knowledge with a promise of homework for not knowing the Ten Driving Values and mission statement of PEP. Only the mission statement we had to define and thank God we made it as a team because no PEP brother will be left behind. Here we are committed to having integrity and we will lead by example. We as a whole try to exemplify each and every value everyday here. Then we had to regroup and started to rehearse our pitches and then we worked on our Toastmasters speeches coming up. We have a lot going on right now and are being pushed to do our best on all our tasks. We also have group sessions this evening and will work on effective communication so we can understand each other better. Tonight, is my groups turn to do the cleaning in the dorm so will knock that out as well. We definitely are going to sleep good tonight and wake up refreshed and ready to put in another day to become better men!

Julian O.  (aka “Samuel Wackson”)


Tuesday                                                                                            September 3, 2024

Today was another really good day here in PEP! This morning, we were expecting to take the test for Chapter 14, but then things changed and we started on Workshop #2 instead. The workshop was really productive, and the main purpose was to help develop teamwork in each of the 16 groups. Each group is made up of three or four different people who have one common goal: to effectively present a business plan to a panel of executives and potential investors. We cannot wait to pitch our ideas to the volunteer executives that come in. We have been working together on our business plans and doing our best to get them perfect. The group presentations were really fun and interesting. We finished up and went to lunch and then went back to the dorm.

After that, we went back to the classroom and got into our groups and worked on our upcoming 10 Driving Values test. These values we are learning are really important and, when applied, can help us break through our bad habits and replace them as we build on the good ones we are learning.

Class was fun today; we had a couple funny moments when some guys had to dance to the front of the classroom, which is always uplifting. We don’t ever really have dull days here in PEP. It’s nice to be a part of something like this. We are building healthy relationships with other men that can help us shake off the old us and move on with our lives.

Thank you for reading this, and God bless everyone!

 Johnathan P. (aka “Ray Mysterio”)


Wednesday                                                                                     September 4, 2024

Today was a pretty good day. We started off making coffee and getting ready for the day in the dorm this morning. Some of us were reading our Bibles; others were studying for upcoming tests; and still other PEP brothers were watching the news. We waited for Adam W. to come and get us for class, and he showed up right on time. We all filed out to the PEP classroom. We then prayed into class as usual with a good prayer to start the class off right. It was awesome to hear, and we then were told to get into our groups to go over our business plans and adjust them as needed. It was cool (and we think our team has a really good chance of winning the competition) because we put in a lot of thought and soul into our pitch. All the work we put in showed when we got in front of the class to practice delivering our pitch. All the guys on my team spoke flawlessly! We really are setting a standard for the other teams in our class. Speaking of the other teams, every single team got up there and pitched their ideas like they have been doing this their whole lives – it was awesome!

After all that, we watched a BetterMan video. It was inspirational and hit home for the fathers we have in class. He spoke about being a father and how his childhood was not perfect, but his dad taught him to step up and do his best at whatever task he takes on. Then we went back to the dorm and prepared for the pitch panel practice in the dorm. Thank you for reading this, and have a great day!  

Dairan P. (aka “Chris Rock”)


Thursday                                                                                         September 5, 2024

Today we started class with the Word of the Day, which was “Revolution” and what it means to us. Dan W. came to the front of the class and spoke to us about some of the rules and upcoming tests. This morning really flew by as we enjoyed a cup of coffee and laughed a bit. Adam W. spoke to us about how well we as a class have been doing and that he’s proud of us. He also told us to keep pushing through and that we are almost to graduation, where the actual journey begins.

However, we had no idea that we were getting a surprise today. There is something called a 3-3-3 in PEP, also called a “heart check.” This is a writing assignment which the current class will complete by the deadline. It really tests how much you want to change and be a part of PEP. To say the least, it’s a lot of writing on business vocabulary, personal finance terminology and our AP Stylebook. We have to remember what we are working toward: being a changed man that puts in the work to become a great man of integrity. We want to be both PEP brothers and productive members of society.

This class has been baptized by PEP in a way because most of us are going to be completely different men when we leave this place. Some of the guys have finished the 3-3-3 already while others are still working hard on it. Today was an awesome day, and we are working to get ready for the Business Plan Competition!     

Cesar R.  (aka “Russell”)


Friday                                                                                               September 6, 2024

Every day in PEP is a learning experience. Today, outside entrepreneurs came into the Estes Unit and spoke to us, giving us some advice and sharing some of their knowledge on mission and vision. A number of us asked them some questions and told their stories of trials and tribulations. Everyone had great inspirational speeches, but the true inspiration received was from seeing how we’ve progressed and how we have all grown throughout the relatively short amount of time we have been here in the program.

We learned that a person must see value in himself. Some of us really wanted to ask a couple of questions while others tended to listen more than talk. It felt thrilling and exciting to meet PEP’s CEO in person. We can really identify with him, considering he has been incarcerated and has overcome obstacles and tribulations in his own life.

It takes a certain determination to strive for excellence and thrive by developing a mindset of free world entrepreneurs. We got a lot out of this PEP Clubhouse time, and we look forward to the next Clubhouse event offering knowledge and life advice.

After we left the Clubhouse, we went back to the dorm and worked on our pitches with a pitch panel before studying our Living in the Village workbooks to prepare for next week’s test. We continue to look forward to what tomorrow will bring because here, we are building a brotherhood that will last us the rest of our lives.

Christopher R. (aka “Gizmo”)



“I am the light of the world; he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”

– Jesus Christ (John 8:12)

God gave light to the earth in the beginning during creation. He also illuminates our hearts by forcing out the darkness that dwells in it. He does this through Scripture and his teachings. The Bible tells us that God’s Word is a lamp to my feet, leading us to the life God wants us to live, one where we are close to him. Once we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, His Spirit will come into our hearts to begin the process of pushing out the darkness. In the process of his light illuminating our hearts, we will start to manifest the fruit of the Spirit; love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance.

I believe strongly that love is the most important one of these, since love is God’s greatest attribute. I try to follow Jesus’s example when it comes to illuminating the world around me, showing people love and charity every chance I get. No matter the situation, I strive to be gentle and compassionate with everyone I encounter. I know that love is one of the biggest things our world is lacking, so I try my best to show people what God wants from us. I do this by helping people realize that even in dark times like these, when we’re away from our loved ones and unsure about our futures, we can still laugh and smile. We can pick each other up and shine our lights on one another, just as God has done for us.

Following God’s light leads to eternal salvation through belief that he loved us so much that he died on the cross, suffering a horrible death while living a fully human life. It’s this promise of salvation that inspires me to be there for others, just like He was for all of us. Through daily reading of God’s Word, prayer and thinking less of ourselves and more of others, I hope to become more Christ-like, forever following His light.

 Kristopher R. (aka “Smeagol”)

Week 8

Monday                                                                                            August 26, 2024 

Each day in PEP is an informative and exciting one. Like every Monday, we took the Living in The Village test, which most of us love taking because it is a way to test what we learned about personal finance from Chaplain Bruce T. Here in L-dorm, we are surrounded with great Servant Leaders and class members that help each other tremendously, especially the group that studies every week together. What was different about today was that we took the test in the morning, and then Bruce T. taught us the material for next week’s test in the afternoon rather than the other way around.  It was a nice change of pace from the usual schedule. We love to hear what Bruce T. has to say when he teaches our class. For some of us, it is our favorite part of the week because personal finance is something we will use, regardless of whether we start a business once we are released. The best part? We all got good scores on our test today.

Funny how things ended up working out in the end, despite a few mishaps along the way – we just had to not freak out and trust in the Lord. Today was a success no doubt and a learning experience for all.

Sergio M. (aka “Kumar”)


Tuesday                                                                                            August 27, 2024

Here in PEP, we have been learning about the 10 Driving Values that PEP stands on. There are three Driving Values that we feel we are good at using on a daily basis. The first value is Love, which we show every day in class – from Servant Leaders to class members, it is very evident. Our In-Prison Manager and Character Development Specialist show lots of love to us in many different ways as well. The second one is Fun because there is never a dull moment throughout our day. The fun we have is unlimited once our lesson or our objective is complete. Last but not least, there is Accountability. Actually, holding ourselves and our fellow classmates accountable is one of the ways we show love for one another. We do this because we care about each other, and we are all trying to become better men together. Today has been fun and full of love – and all the while, we have been holding each other accountable.

We just finished Toastmasters Project 6, and all the guys did awesome and delivered some truly motivational speeches. Most of us have never had the chance to speak like this, so we are trying our best and having fun at the same time. We have come a long way, and every day we spend in class is informative as we continue to learn new things.

We then got into our business plan groups and had discussions about our pitches and how we are going to execute them going forward. We all really enjoy being part of a team and are trying to win the competition. Today was another great day here in PEP!

 Edward M. (aka “Master Splinter”)


Wednesday                                                                                     August 28, 2024

Hello there! We are reporting live from the awesome Prison Entrepreneurship Program in Venus, Texas. It is a beautiful day here, and today we stayed in the dorm due to a Servant Leader meeting that took place this morning. Here in H dorm, our PEP brothers have been having a fabulous daily pitch panel run by our Servant Leaders, and it has been helping us in many different ways. We’ve heard from a bunch of different groups that they all are getting better and better as we hone our skills, which in turn is making these pitches super professional. We are all blown away by the dedication these men display towards these business plans. If they become actual businesses in the world, we would love to visit and see the “dream that came alive” in person. These brothers are working very hard on these plans, and it is a future that is possible for each of us.

We have been in the dorm being very productive all day long. From cleaning up the dorm to study groups for our next entrepreneurship tests and future panning, we all are working together and becoming a brotherhood that will impact all of us in a positive way in the future. We are going to do Toastmasters in the dorm today, so that is something to look forward to. It is really cool to hear all of these guys’ speeches. Some are very informative on certain subjects, and others teach us life skills we might need one day. Thanks to PEP, our futures are a lot brighter!

Christopher N. (aka “Kevin from Home Alone”)


Thursday                                                                                         August 29, 2024

Today in PEP, we reviewed Chapter 14 on franchising and purchasing an existing business with Rob M., our guest volunteer. Rob M. elaborated very well and explained the elements of franchising and the process of buying a franchise, including general and specific questions. A fun exercise that we did was to show how working together benefited both parties in the game: we faced each other, shoulder to shoulder, and stepped our right foot on the outside of the opposite side of our partner while locking hands. Everyone participated, and we had a lot of laughs. When we do fun activities such as this, it can remind us of good times we had as kids. We all have a bond now that is strong, and we all feel comfortable showing our silly sides. Unfortunately, our class will be coming to an end soon and all these fun small moments, so rare in prison, will be in the past.

Today’s word of the day was “responsibility.” Our emcees shared some personal information of what happens when we choose to respond selfishly rather than taking care of business. We were moved by what was shared and reminded that a few of our 10 Driving Values require us to take responsibility for ourselves.

There are two halves of class each day Monday through Friday, but today we only had the first half, so in the dorm we shared our business pitches with one another. By doing our homework and studying in our free time, we are always busy. We often say to each other that this is an amazing experience, and we can’t wait to step up to be leaders for the next group of PEP brothers.

Otoniel N. (aka “Member of B.T.S.”)


Friday                                                                                               August 30, 2024

As we draw nearer to the Big Pitch Competition, 16 teams have the opportunity to practice together in front of the entire class. The teams consist of four members: a Chief Executive Officer (CEO), a Chief Operating Officer (COO), a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) and a Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Every man has a designated position, and we all contribute to the team with these roles. The challenges can be difficult to overcome due to our limitations with market research, but we all do our best with what we have.

Public speaking can be a daunting task to the uninitiated – it is one of the most feared things to do! To address this fear, PEP has a Toastmasters public speaking club that we participate in each week. We have really grown as a class compared to several weeks ago. To see the class transform is a great thing to witness. We see each other speak with confidence, and it’s awesome because we are all from different backgrounds and cultures. The men in our class present very interesting speeches each time we have this type of event. Here at PEP, we bring everyone together and build relationships every day.

We finished up the first part of class and went to lunch. Afterwards, we had a pitch panel to help us practice our pitches because come Pitch Day, we are going to knock it out of the park! When we went back to the dorm, we studied and held group sessions. Today’s class was fun to be a part of as we keep learning and pushing ourselves to be better men.

Jesse O. (aka “Captain Underpants”)



“It’s not the size of the dog, but the fight in the dog.”

– Sugar Ray Leonard

The more I live, the more I come to realize that life is like a big boxing match. We know that a person who prepares himself for battle by conditioning (activities like jumping rope to build lean muscle to get your body and arms prepared to go the distance, as well as running five miles a day to help your breathing) serve to help you go the distance under pressure. You will definitely need this, so don’t skip that piece. Then, you need good hand-eye coordination. This will help you see an attack unfold and respond with perfect timing and accuracy. Most of all, you will need to work on rounds of sparring to get the practice required to be successful in the ring.

Similarly, every situation we go through can help prepare us for our next match – if we choose to learn from it – because on the other side of the ring is our opponent. It could be a person who wants success just as much as you do and will get in your way to win that round. But our opponent in the other corner could also be our problems and situations such as tragedies and major setbacks in life that have us down and out mentally or physically. However, once that bell rings, it’s time to get after it. Some rounds might be ours, and some rounds we may go down more than once, but no matter what, we have to get back up and give life our best shot.

 Lewis O. (aka “Adam Woods”)


Week 7

Monday                                                                                            August 19, 2024

Toastmasters was today’s main focus. What does this mean and how important is this to us? Well, we are learning about public speaking by studying, practicing and helping one another. We take into consideration the stories we hear, while at the same time getting to know each other pretty well. Not only is this a good opportunity, but it is also a learning objective. Being able to speak in front of people you don’t know is nerve wracking, but it helps us build communication skills. Over time, we have become more confident and have seen improvement in our speeches. We also have seen so much growth in each of these men every time one of us gets up in front of the class and delivers a speech.

PEP also teaches us about character development, so we have learned about some of our character flaws too, but each of us here helps to correct one another. We come together every day and build friendships, training ourselves to become better men all around. It’s fun and challenging at the same time. We keep learning new ways to build each other up and grow as entrepreneurs as well. Class today was fun, and all the stories were interesting and inspiring.

PEP’s 10 Driving Values really mean something to us. As we study what each one means and how we can apply it to our lives, each Driving Value becomes ingrained into our minds. My favorite value is Accountability because it is a pillar of the program and life in general. We have been taught that being accountable is super important to becoming successful in life. The brotherhood here is one of a kind, and we are so glad to be a part of it.                                     

Rogelio L. (aka “Kevin from Minions”)


Tuesday                                                                                            August 20, 2024

It was a blessed day in PEP today. We finished the rest of the Toastmasters speeches for Project #4, as well as starting Project #5. Everyone gave great speeches, and it was awesome to see how much we have progressed. Our confidence has improved, as well as our delivery. It has been wonderful to see how far we have all come.

For three hours this morning, we had a great discussion on many things that better us. The realization of completing this course has become more and more surreal. We are truly understanding more and more about how the 10 Driving Values can be applied to our lives to improve our quality of life. All of our innovation and creativity – not to mention our execution – really shows, and it is a great thing to witness. All of us have changed, and we still have a lot of work to do.

We had some laughs, and the room relaxed when fellow PEP brothers showed off some dance moves in front of the class today, which was super hilarious. It was great to see, and we finished off class with the Word of the Day: “egotism.” Today was a great experience to be a part of, and seeing all the smiles on everyone’s faces was inspiring. Thank you for reading, and God bless all!

James L. (aka “Milli Vanilli”)


Wednesday                                                                                     August 21, 2024

Today we worked on our business plan pitches, and they were all awesome to hear. We received positive feedback from our Servant Leaders and current class participants. We really enjoy practicing and doing this because it only makes us better in the end. We are preparing for our next event and proud to be a part of this PEP revolution.

As brothers, we are learning how to become better men for our families, friends and society. We have learned to say what needs to be said, not simply what people want to hear. We will lead by example with humility at the sacrifice of personal glory. We strive to equip people to achieve their full potential here at PEP. This work we are putting in here will help us become free men in prison.

The love here is evident and becomes a bond between us as we put in the work to change. We were on the pod all day because there was no class, but we still had study groups and needed to clean the pods, so we all still had jobs to complete. We swept and mopped the floors, as well as emptied the trash. We cleaned the rails to the stairs along with the tables. Then we cleaned the showers and scrubbed them down well, so they looked nice. We take pride in the dorm as well as the classroom. It is a good feeling to accomplish tasks in both areas.

We hold ourselves accountable so that our lives are better overall, and we are adopting and applying the 10 Driving Values to our lives. This is a revolution, and we are glad to be a part of it. Thank you, and God bless all!  

Donald M. (aka “Chris Tucker”)


Thursday                                                                                         August 22, 2024

Today we started class with our daily pray-in. Following that was the Word of the Day which was “belief.” The speaker shared this quote: “Sometimes you have to believe in someone’s belief in you until your own belief kicks in.” We were well informed on the Word of the Day to say the least. After that, Ramon C-C was asked, “Who are you?” and the DJ started the music which was the Baby Shark song. (His PEP “fun name” happens to be Baby Shark, so it was hilarious to witness.) Then we had a couple birthdays to celebrate for four of our brothers. We sang Happy Birthday, and they received certificates and pencils.

We then waited for executive volunteer John S. to come and teach us Chapter 13’s material, so since we had some spare time, we got into groups and practiced our pitches with each other. As CEO of Quality Custom Cabinets, listening to my team come together really made my belief in them come into play. It made me proud to be a part of the team. We reviewed Chapter 10 and then went to lunch.

We came back and John S. was there to go over the chapter with us. That was great to have him teach us so we can understand the material better (and get a good grade on the upcoming test). We then went back to the dorm, where we had a pitch panel and got into our weekly groups. We learned about emotional detachment, which was very interesting. After that, some of us exercised, showered and relaxed for the rest of the night. All in all, it was a great day, and we are ready for whatever tomorrow brings.       

Luis M. (aka “Buzz Lightyear”)


Friday                                                                                               August 23, 2024

Today is Friday and so is one of our lighter days here in PEP. These days are nice to have because of all the hard work we put in week after week. The first half of the day, the PEP room was occupied by a spiritual gathering called “Devotion.” Devotion is usually led by one of our In-Prison Managers, either Adam W. or David F.

After lunch, we all met in the PEP classroom to start the day’s assignments. Normally when we arrive, there is usually a five- to ten-minute window to turn in homework, say our hellos and find our seats.  Today, most of us scrambled to find our pitch team to go over any adjustments we might need to make. (Some of us are still fine-tuning our part of the business pitch for the first big event we’ve had since we formed teams.) When we sat down in our seats, the first thing we did was pray in. Someone in the room always volunteers to lead it, and we all stand for prayer.

The first thing on the agenda was taking group pictures, so all the CEOs gathered their pitch teams to take a team photo. Each team consists of a CEO, COO, CMO and CFO. While each team took pictures, the other teams practiced their pitches. It was amazing to see how far everyone has come with their pitch presentations. The confidence, organization and delivery have improved significantly. We were having such a good time that before we knew it, it was time to pray out and go back to our assigned living quarters.

Steven M. (aka “Joel Osteen”)




“The man on top of the mountain didn’t fall there.”

– Vince Lombardi

When I think about what this means and how this relates to me, my goals start popping up. I think about where I started along my journey and where I am today. I am not on top of the mountain yet, but I did not land where I am in my climb. I have worked really hard to get where I am today. This is also something that cannot just be handed to somebody. I have had so much support from my wife and my family, which has encouraged me to stay strong in my climb up. I am beyond grateful and thankful for them.

Nobody really starts at the top. There are people in the world who are more fortunate than others in different areas, but we all have to climb and put in a lot of work at some point in time. So when I think about this quote, it makes me stop and ask myself, “Where do I take my next step? Where should I reach next to get higher on my mountain? What are my goals, and do they make my mountain taller? What do I consider to be success? How can I get better?” All these questions are popping into my head, and I look forward to answering these questions. I open my eyes and heart to help me grow. I look around to see which obstacles I can overcome. I use the advice from people in my life and try to be humble. I wake up hungry for more success, knowing every day is a challenge.

Everyone’s mountain is different, and some may be at the top of theirs, but I am still a work in progress because I am not at the top of my mine … yet. Keep pushing forward and never give up!

 Alexander C. (aka “Mr. Crocker”)

Week 6

Monday                                                                                             August 12, 2024  

It’s always a great day here in PEP! The Word of the Day was “communication.” We feel that being a great communicator can help us in every aspect and situation. Our main daily problems stem from a lack of communication with the people around us. Each and every day, we are learning about character development, how to be a better dad and how to speak professionally in front of a group of people (Toastmasters), as well as the main subject of “entrepreneurship.”

Mondays always seem to be slow and steady, but on this particular day after class we went into deep conversation with my cellmate about Jesus Christ. With me recently renouncing gang affiliation, losing my dad and having a relationship fall through, the program and my brothers have made me develop a plan on how to deal with these problems in my life and be positive in a lot of different ways.

At the end of class, we were talking with our teams and our CEO asked if there was anything we needed to pray about. That really got me, because people sometimes tend to serve the flesh more than our God. If we can really support each other, it will only help us. God is good all the time, and we really need to lean on His understanding not our own. Even in all the trials and tribulations, we should stay consistent in Him.

Today was a great day, and we look forward to tomorrow to learn more about how to become better men.

Derrick H. (aka “Baby Charles Barkley”)


Tuesday                                                                                            August 13, 2024

On this beautiful Tuesday in the Prison Entrepreneurship Program, adrenaline was running high in anticipation of our tests on Chapters 6 and 7. Some people were literally sweating, chomping at the bit to take the tests. Yet when it was all said and done, there was absolutely no reason to sweat it. Gaining the courage to face these challenges without worrying is going to be a common goal amongst us in the days to follow.

Now to fast forward to our afternoon – after our lunch of burgers and beans (YUMMY!), we got our first taste of the limelight while videotaping our introductions for our business groups. As the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) for Hurricane Boxing Community Center (a community center focused on building better role models by helping youth grow their mind, body and discipline), to say today was a good day would be an understatement. Students walked in feeling uncertain and anxious, wondering what this day would bring and walked out with a feeling of accomplishment. Each of us is growing little by little, bit by bit. The result is that we are better today than we were yesterday. Of course, we have the scores and videos to prove it! 

After class, we went back to the dorm. Some of us took a much-needed afternoon nap, while others went straight to their daily exercise. Every day is the first day of the rest of our lives, and we are taking advantage of it in every way we can. What a blessing this experience is. Thanks for tuning in.

Benjamin I.  (aka “Bubbalicious Tweety Bird”)


Wednesday                                                                                      August 14, 2024

We started our day off in prayer as we do before giving our Toastmasters speeches. During Toastmasters, we had to give a speech with a clear purpose and effective organization. We achieved this by selecting the right words and sentence structure to communicate our ideas clearly, accurately and vividly. We made use of rhetorical devices to enhance and emphasize our ideas, making sure not to use any unnecessary words or jargon and instead focusing on using correct grammar. This was our fourth Toastmasters project, and already we’ve experienced so much growth in the areas of personal confidence, freedom through vulnerability and public speaking, just to name a few. With awesome challenges like this one pushing us into a new head space, we can see new possibilities for ourselves in the world.

Many of us are already becoming more confident. For example, we now trust in our ability to interview for a position we would have previously not even considered applying for, due to not wanting to speak about ourselves at such a level. Many others have become more confident speaking publicly in executive positions. It doesn’t stop there; simple peer interaction, which started small, has greatly increased to the point where men have overcome their anxiety, shaken off old ideas of themselves, and now confidently speak with one another.

Bottom line, today was a good day. We have learned more about taking good chances in life by taking a chance on ourselves, believing in the idea that good outcomes wait for us on the other side!

Jermoni J. (aka “Sammy Sosa”)


Thursday                                                                                         August 15, 2024

Today was an amazing day in PEP! We started off with a great pray in by our brother Benjamin G., and that led to our Word of the Day: grace, which is unmerited help given to people by God or the disposition to perform an act of kindness. Our emcees, Javier M. and LaDavious S., gave us some heartfelt examples of how lives were saved and worlds were changed by acts of kindness and by God’s grace. They gave us Ephesians 2:5, which says, “He made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions – it is by grace you have been saved.” It really spoke to the class and showed us that we never know what we can say or do that’ll impact someone’s life in a major way, so we should be kind to everyone.

Next, we worked on mastering our pitches for our upcoming event, and the class saw some awesome transitions by a few different teams. This will most likely be a close contest because our whole class is full of great and innovative ideas. The creativity and execution displayed by our CEOs and their teams is quite a sight to behold, and it’s clear that we have been putting in the work needed to be the best of the best.

We finished class with one of our amazing executives, Jim H., coming to teach us about “Business and Financial Analysis” or, as he likes to call it, “KPI – Key Performance Indicators.The chapter was about financial ratios and having a solid financial foundation. He also told us that it is essential to have great accounting and bookkeeping. 

After he left, we prayed out of class and went back to our dorms, where we worked on our homework and continued to practice our pitches. This class is an experience we never thought could happen where we are, but it’s a great life-changing opportunity we have, and we are taking full advantage of it.

Sam K. (aka “Oscar Proud”)


Friday                                                                                               August 16, 2024

Today was a bit out of the norm because we had a half day off. This worked out perfectly because it allowed us a head start on our homework. They really push us and challenge us every day – it’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen. It’s good though because like they say, “what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger.” That must be true because with each day that passes, we find ourselves growing stronger and stronger, only looking at the next task or hurdle. When you finish something that seems insurmountable at first, you feel a major sense of accomplishment.  Most of us are new to stuff like this, but each day brings a new journey.

The second half of the day, we had a faith-based program called BetterMan, which is a video series from a church based in Waco that teaches us biblical principles for how to become the men we were meant to be. Today instead of listening to the videos, our Character Development Specialist, David F., spoke to us on the topic that the video would’ve discussed: fatherhood and what it means to be a better father to our sons.  Specifically, he shared with us how he navigates being a stepdad to his son and how he encourages his stepson to communicate with his biological father in a healthy manner.  It is one of the best parts of PEP, bar none!  We have learned so much about ourselves and about our brothers because we always have these bonding moments and open up.  It’s really beautiful because after all, Love, like PEP, is a beautiful thing!

John K. (aka “Drew Carey”)



“To me, there are three things we all should do every day. 

Number one is laugh – you should laugh every day. 

Number two is think – you should spend some time in thought. 

And number three is you should have your emotions move you to tears. 

It could be happiness or joy, but think about it …

if you laugh, you think, and you cry, that’s a full day.

You do that seven days a week, you’re going to have something special.”

– Jim Valvano

This is just an excerpt of the now famous “Never give up, don’t ever give up” speech from the 1993 ESPY Awards when Jimmy Valvano accepted The Arthur Ashe Award for courage. With these words, the coach gave me a roadmap to live each day to its fullest; to channel my inner Jimmy Valvano and enjoy the journey as I navigate life. He didn’t become my hero because of what he accomplished in his life, which included the 1983 NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship, but rather by what he left the world through his legacy. He showed me how I can live a life of impact worth celebrating, and what a life well lived looks like. 

Coach Valvano was raising awareness and money for cancer research. He wasn’t complicating the message – he was walking down the path of logic. Every outcome has its cause, every predicament has its solution; and every lock has its key. By elevating cancer research and simply saying, “It will not save my life … but it may save yours or someone’s you love,” he made it personal and something greater than himself.

For many years, I spent my career always moving up toward the next rung on the ladder I was climbing. This quote reminds me to enjoy every day to the fullest by stopping, looking and listening so that I do not miss anything. I want to open my eyes and see what I can with them before they close forever.

Jeffrey L. (aka “The Weatherman”)

Week 5

Monday                                                                                             August 5, 2024

Proverbs 4:20-24 says “My son, pay attention to what I say, turn your ear to my words. Do not let them out of your sight and keep them within your heart. For they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body. Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Keep corrupt talk far from your lips.” This scripture came to our minds while doing our Toastmasters Project #2. PEP is always finding a way to knock down these walls we have built around us. Our bond as brothers has grown stronger with each amazing experience we’ve gone through. It’s been quite a journey for us as we’ve learned to gain confidence from one another. It was a bumpy road at first for us to truly let go and be transparent. I am proud of my PEP brothers for all the changes and progress we’ve made.

The first half of class was as amazing as it always is, from Living in the Village to Bruce T.’s excellent presentation on understanding finances. Then came our test on the previous week’s lesson. We had some time after testing, so we revisited the Words of the Day, which were “price” and “cost.” No matter what, nothing is free in life. Everything always comes at a cost, such as time and energy, but it’s what we do with those resources that really adds value, so in the end it’s worth it.

In our second half of class, we were grateful to be able to share a few laughs as we watched a presentation of our class’s progress and a few funny moments. To come this far, seeing and feeling the changes our brothers are experiencing can be counted as one of the greatest experiences in our lives. It’s such a great pleasure to be a part of a family where we all change for the good.

Ivan G. (aka “Scrat from Ice Age”)


Tuesday                                                                                            August 6, 2024

The energy was great as we started class today in PEP. This morning, we took a test on Living in the Village. We like this book because it teaches us how to be good with our money, as well as what things to avoid that can hurt us financially. After we took our test we did Toastmasters, which all my PEP brothers are doing great at. Everyone seems to get better and better the more speeches we give. We all remember our first time up there in front of the class, standing at the lectern, because just about all of us were nervous. But now, we feel confident in ourselves because this class has helped us be more open with those around us. I am happy to be a part of this PEP revolution!

After Toastmasters, we started to discuss what our mission statements would be for our businesses that we are now a part of. We all have separate teams that we are on with our own jobs to do. It is really cool, and we are all having fun creating our business plans. Since we have been here, none of us regret showing up for this program because they don’t just talk about business or entrepreneurship – they help you become a person of integrity and good character. This will help us in the future because we are leaving our old lifestyles behind and becoming someone new.

When class was over, we sat down to watch all our pictures and videos throughout class so far. That was awesome to see because in all of them, we were all smiling and having a good time. We have some great men here, and we are building relationships and memories with each other. Thank you for reading and God Bless all!

 Angel H. (aka “Chocolate Moon Pie”)


Wednesday                                                                                      August 7, 2024

Today is a beautiful day full of sunshine outside, but the light shines in here as well. Today we split the classroom into two sections before continuing on with Toastmasters speeches for Project #3. The topic was “getting to the point,” and all of us did a pretty good job of tackling the objective. It really seems like we are getting a lot more confident speaking in front of a large group. We still have a long way to go, but we are making progress for sure. Some of the speeches were funny; some taught us how to do something like change a tire or make an awesome dinner; and still others were very inspirational and moving. It is funny how all our speeches were different, but we could relate to each one in our personal lives. We are truly coming together as more of a family every time we share stories with each other.

After Toastmasters concluded, we were blessed to have two graduates from PEP talk to us about re-entry and the process we go through on our way home. They told us PEP will be with us every step of the way, from getting us picked up to taking us to the transitional house. Then we can get clothes for interviews and whatever else we need to do. This is an awesome opportunity for us, and we can feel positive about our release and not have to worry so much about all the details.

Thank you for reading and have a great day!   

Roger H. (aka “Ace Ventura”)


Thursday                                                                                         August 8, 2024

Thursday is always an important day for us. We have different executives come in and help us review chapters in our entrepreneurship textbook. Today was no exception; we went over Chapters 6 and 7, where we learned about funding and accounting through examples as well as the book. On the funding side, we talked about flow charts, balance sheets and the entrepreneurial break-even point – in other words, how to better predict need and usage of funding, plus the importance of two of our Driving Values: Excellence and “Fresh Start” Outlook. Chapter 7 was more focused on our Driving Value of “Wise Stewardship” as we discussed keeping track of our spending and overall cash flow while being accountable to our investors. Finally, our Word of the Day was “trap.” It was helpful in getting us to recognize our mindsets and the negative ones we need to stay away from, focusing instead on positivity and being practical in our everyday lives. We also talked about our environment and how we can overcome the culture in here.

Our resident “Fonda” man, Ivan G., got to do his favorite exercise in front of the whole class, which was hilarious. This was well-timed at the end of class to lighten the mood a bit.

On a neat side note, we are really ramping up our business pitches. Everyone is settling into their roles on their teams. Our CEOs have conveyed their ideas to all of us. Our CMOs are supporting the team members and really bringing us together. Everyone is working together, and it’s awesome to see the professionalism here at the Sanders Estes unit. We then finished the night off with a pitch panel to help us get more comfortable pitching in front of a group of people.

Thank you and God bless!        

 Preston H. (aka “The Mask”)


Friday                                                                                               August 8, 2024

Today was a great day with my PEP brothers. We had no class today, so many of us were able to sleep in and get some much-needed rest. Once we were all up, some of us got into groups and studied Chapter 6 of our entrepreneurship book, which was about analyzing cash flow and other financial information which will be tested on soon. The chapter gives us good information that we’ll need to be successful entrepreneurs. We also discussed and reviewed Chapter 7, which gives us information about financing and accounting. This chapter identified key financial issues involved with starting a business. We also learned about grants that a new business should explore.

All the information we are learning helps us get closer every day to understand what it means to start and run a business. We then finished class for the day and went to eat dinner. Some of us had not finished our pitches, so we did a pitch panel in the dorm. This is really helping all of us overcome the fear of public speaking and of being super nervous in front of everyone.

Lastly after some of my brothers got back from recreation, we got together for another study session. Then it was time to relax and enjoy the rest of the night. Today was a great day, and I’m glad to be here and a part of this revolution.   

 Ruben H. (aka “Madea”)



“Boy, if you’re righteous in everything you do, you’ll always be in the right and your path should be straight to what you want.”

– my father

My dad once told me this when I was about 13 years old, and it always stuck with me. Time and time again, I can tell you that this quote came to my mind in everyday situations. Now that I am an older man, it really has an impact. It has been my go-to when I am not sure what I should do. I try to make the right decisions, so when I think of this quote, it helps keep me on the straight and narrow. It is so easy to do the wrong things, it seems. Making the right decision is sometimes hard, especially if you’re living the wrong kind of life.

I choose to do the right thing when no one is looking, and I can give credit to my dad because of what he told me back in the day. I want to do the right thing now because it’s easy for me as a righteous man. I am a man of integrity, and it feels good to be counted on and recognized as a good man. I couldn’t have told you that years ago when I was not holding myself accountable at all. But these days, I truly understand what and why he told me that back then, and it has meant a great deal to me.

Thank you and God bless all!

Anthony H. (aka “Blank Man”)

Week 4

Monday                                                                                             July 29, 2024 

Today was a chill day at PEP. This morning, we went over Chapter 4 of Living in the Village with a volunteer named Bruce T. We learned the differences in insurance types and which one we should invest in. We also learned the different tactics that most insurance companies use to get people to buy their insurance products. We also started our second Toastmasters speeches, where we split into groups and focused on using different transitional phrases, such as “furthermore,” “in the end,” and “to get my point across.” Most people who presented today did well speaking in front of the class.

Some of us attended church services in the afternoon before heading back to the dorms, where most of us studied and practiced our business pitches for our upcoming event. The overall experience today, including life lessons that we learn in PEP, has helped us become better men in Christ and our daily lives. It feels amazing to be a part of the PEP revolution.

Grayson D. (aka “Captain Insane-O”)


Tuesday                                                                                            July 30, 2024

The brotherhood of the Prison Entrepreneurship Program is alive and quickly becoming a movement. Our efforts are combining to create the change that is occurring in each of us. Today watched BetterMan, which is a video series. Today’s topic addressed the challenges men face going forward in life after incarceration, the steps necessary to begin the healing process and the action steps for addressing the past. Although opening up about past trauma issues is hurtful for some of us, it is vital for proper healing to begin. It is in these group efforts that we are becoming self-aware and willing to communicate our emotions in a healthy way. We have open conversations about the topic in small groups, and it really is therapy for most of us. It is always a priceless moment for men to feel comfortable expressing themselves and putting into action key steps to becoming better men. As with many of us, this is a first-time experience.

We are learning that if you can’t overcome hardships, you’re never going to have any great victories. It is an awesome experience to be unified in the “better man” movement. Day by day, we are becoming a big family here, and the work we put in now will pay off for us later.

We had a really good day today, and tomorrow cannot get here fast enough. Thank you for reading this and have a great day!      

Daniel F.  (aka “Moley”)



Wednesday                                                                                      July 31, 2024

We had a great day in class today! We first began by having everyone in slip-on shoes (Jackie Chan’s) dance from the back of the room. Next, we talked about the temptation of old habits and what it takes to achieve success, not just in business but in our personal life. More often than not, we must endure a certain amount of pain in the beginning to enjoy success. For instance, we will have to do things that are uncomfortable at times and push through to receive the benefits that will come from a job or relationship in our life. We discussed how going through these obstacles in life will make us stronger and teach us how to handle difficult situations in the future instead of acting out our first emotional response will benefit us in our life by teaching us emotional stability through self-discipline and behavior modification. The leaders discussed how sometimes in life the darkest part of the night comes right before the morning sun rises, meaning that in life sometimes things will get worse before they get better, and only perseverance, persistence and patience will prevail at the end of the long, hard road that we travel.

But there is an end, and more often than not if we practice those techniques, the outcome will be success and well worth the struggle. Next, we all took notice of La’David’s new chili bowl haircut, followed by learning the CEOs for the companies we will be representing for the business plans. Next, we were assigned to teams that we will be on and discussed what positions we will play, such as CFO, CMO and COO. Each team consists of four individuals, with each playing a very important part. We then broke up into groups and got to know our teammates, their strengths and weaknesses and how they will best support the business. Everyone was very supportive and willing to assist others in their weak areas. With full team support, each group of four will build a successful business plan and work together as a team.

James F. (aka “Rob Schneider”)


Thursday                                                                                         August 1, 2024

Today class started off like most days by dancing to wake up and get the energy in the room booming. We continued with the Word of the Day, which was “attitude.” Then the emcees elaborated on the subject with a detailed explanation on why attitude is one of the biggest keys to success (if not the biggest). Then once we finished that, four individuals got the “wheel of doom”: two for outbursts in class and two more for sleeping in class. It was hilarious. The wheel landed on “wormy dog,” and the whole class was enjoying the show and laughing.

Then once that finished, another person lip synced an Usher song to lighten the mood, PEP style. Then a volunteer came in to teach class: our weekly lesson in the entrepreneurship book. Today’s subject was the type of business to set up, such as sole proprietor, partnership or corporation. He elaborated on the type of corporations, going over the different advantages and disadvantages and what is best in certain situations and why.

During the second half of class, another executive volunteer came to speak with us about establishing operations as he reviewed Chapter 12 in the entrepreneurship textbook. The volunteer discussed project management, breaking it down to a science, how important location is and answered questions, giving advice on how to finance a business and professionalism methods. We ended on a good note as the executive wished us well on our next event. Then the emcee’s jumped back on the mic and issued a Wheel of Doom for somebody else for an infraction.

After that, we prayed out and class ended with the CEOs staying back for a meeting.

Joshua F. (aka “Ice-T”)


Friday                                                                                               August 2, 2024

A day in the PEP class is always impactful. Many times, we share memorable and fun moments that could only be captured with the heart. Other times we get deep and personal, and today was one of those moments. Today was “Family Day,” a day in PEP where Laura S., our Family Liaison, joined us for the day. With a short but very impactful conversation, she helped us on an important, heartstring-filled reconciliation journey with loved ones we’ve asked her to contact on our behalf about our progress in class. Our “PEP Mama” made us feel a sense of hope and joy, ensuring us that there was help not only in the characterization of our own identity but that through the help of our Family Liaison, we are provided with a second chance at restoring relationships with our family and friends. This is another piece of the “PEP Revolution.”

We were also given a chance to take joyful (and, for some, tear-inducing) birthday photos to send to our kids. This gave us a chance to break the exterior of our former selves and create a birthday card for our children, personalized for our loved ones. Friday August 2nd was a day filled with “Love” and “Fun,” two of the most favorite of PEP’s 10 Driving Values. But the most impactful moment involved writing the names of those who we hope will be attending our graduation. This brought a realization that time is moving rapidly as we speed toward the end of our PEP journey. It is exciting that we are committed to change and positivity for ourselves, our families and our communities.

Benjamin G. (aka “Cowardly Lion”)



“Most people don’t listen with the intent to understand, but only to reply.”

– George Bush

There are times we just need to speak out to others, not to get a reply but to be heard by someone you truly trust and have confidence in not to form an opinion. There are times you speak to see others’ reactions. To talk about health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet and talk to is great. You can also make someone’s day with a smile as well. You should make others feel like they have something within themselves worth sharing, so say something to them that triggers something amazing to come out.

We should listen as well with enthusiasm and care. When someone has something to say, we need to be sensitive and make sure we truly listen and understand – otherwise, we could miss a valid point. We should value everyone and their opinions. We have two ears for a reason: we should listen twice as much as we speak. I think we can all be better listeners if we choose to be, and that can make the difference between a good environment and a bad one. It takes practice to be a great listener, and those who are good at listening are most likely successful people.

Never stop listening to others, and always actively listen to understand. We can all grow from that and take in all the knowledge we can get. Thank you and God bless everyone!    

Antonio G. (aka “Brucie”)


Week 3

Monday                                                                                             July 22, 2024

It was an amazing day in PEP today. We learned about what a Marketing Plan consists of, and that it is developed by an entrepreneurial business to specify who the target customers are and how they will be attracted to the company. We also learned about identifying the market we are trying to get into. This step focuses on how to market the firm’s products or services to customers who are likely to buy the products or services at the desired price. It is awesome we get to learn these types of things because this is the information we need to use in the real world if we are to open our own businesses. We were taught that identifying the right geographic area and target customers is key to a business and its success. It’s important that we take all this in and use it because most of us will be future business owners. People pay a lot of money to get what we are getting for free here in PEP.

This is a college-level course we are taking. We get to ask questions and really get to the meat and potatoes of business ownership and everything associated with that. Seems like every day we are learning critical information that is key to our success. But overall, we had a great day in class. There is a lot of creativity in the air and throughout the whole class. We went over the next chapters so we will be studying all weekend to prepare for our next tests on Tuesday. We are all coming along, and it is awesome to be a part of this PEP revolution!                                          

Devin C. (aka “Fat Albert”)


Tuesday                                                                                            July 23, 2024

Today we had a full and interesting day. Today we had some new brothers join our class, so we had to give them each a “fun name” (class nickname) which was really funny. After we gave them fun names, we tested over Chapters 3 and 4. We first did the multiple choice and true/false questions, followed by the chapter review questions. Then we finished with the peer review questions. After all that, we went back to our dorms to relax a little bit and wait for the new guys to finish their Coat of Arms assignment. We went to lunch as well, which was pizza that tasted pretty good. Adam W. came and got us from the dorm, and we all went back to class.

That’s when executive volunteer Cindy joined us, and she is a really nice lady. She was today’s speaker who taught us the next chapters we will be tested on out of our entrepreneurship textbook. We learned about Business Mission and Strategy and how to recognize the degree to which mission statements guide a new business. We then focused on the three steps to identify a sustainable competitive advantage. We ended the review with a focus on developing an effective strategy and then applying it. Cindy asked us if we had any questions and answered them all with ease. She helped us understand the chapter much better, and we are grateful that we get to learn from qualified professionals. That was our day – thank you for reading this and God bless!  

 Vincent C.  (aka “Louis Armstrong”)


Wednesday                                                                                      July 24, 2024

In PEP today, we prepared for our first Big Idea Pitch event that will be held on Friday. Everyone lined up, 10 at a time, for a trial run; we also voted on each other’s pitches (and no, we couldn’t vote for ourselves – that wouldn’t be appropriate). Our event will be held in the gymnasium where executives/investors come in to volunteer their time with the current PEP class to hear us pitch our “big idea” to them. These volunteers then vote and select the winning business ideas. Those of us who are hand-picked as winners will become each business team’s CEO – we will also need to select a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Chief Operations Officer (COO) for these teams and work together as a small company.

We also had a quote of the day that went something like this: “Life’s a direct reflection of our actions.” (Well, that’s what several of us got from it; we discussed that before writing this journal entry.) So that’s why we’re choosing better actions now, even though we are in prison, because it’s not too late to get back on track. We also went over civics, ethics, morale and values.

We had two guest speakers who have re-entered society and now work for PEP: Gerald D. and Jeremy J. Gerald D. spoke on character, and of course where we want to go, which is home to our families eventually. Jeremy J. gave his testimony before prison and after, including how good PEP has been to him even after prison. Jeremy J. also spoke to us about PEP’s transitional housing and went over paperwork with some of the guys before we prayed out and went to our dorms. Thank you for reading this and God bless!

Christopher C. (aka “Big Snacks”)


Thursday                                                                                         July 25, 2024

Today we had a welcome rest. We practiced pitches all day in the dorm. We are all preparing to present our “elevator pitch” to the executive volunteers tomorrow. Our nerves are all on edge, and we continue to hone our skills learned from our PEP classes, such as our Toastmasters and Entrepreneurship classes.

As we went through the day, we could definitely see improvement in our posture, grammar, body language and self-confidence! The things we learn in class benefit us, from our overall perspective to our professionalism. It’s amazing as we watch each other transform into men who act, walk and talk with such clarity and professionalism. Even though the curriculum is very condensed, hard and demanding, the rewards are obviously worth every second, and we can see how much our PEP brothers appreciate the effort we are putting in. We are all very impressed with how far we have come and how effective leadership skills are now manifesting, as they show in all of our day-to-day activities. We will be positive leaders in our community and strong pillars in our households, and our future jobs and businesses will drastically improve as well. This is worth all the hard work, and we all thank PEP and all the volunteers for all you do. Thank you for being you!

Tomorrow is the BIG DAY – and we are ready. Thanks to our Servant-Leaders, who are positive and helpful, steadily pushing us toward perfection!

Chris C.  (aka “Tony Hawk”)


Friday                                                                                               July 26, 2024

We will tell you that today was no ordinary day in PEP! We haven’t had a better day since we’ve been free, and that’s been a long time. So, let me tell you all about it.

We’ve been practicing our Big Idea pitches for the past three weeks, and today all the executives and sponsors came to hear our business plan ideas and pick out of our whole class the top 16 presentations that caught their attention. No matter who wins, they divide the rest of us up and put us in groups of four on those 16 teams. For those who don’t know, a pitch idea is an idea for what kind of entrepreneurial business we are interested in starting. We’ve got trucking business ideas, boxing schools, clothing apps, coffee shops and many more. There are 67 of us with 67 different business ideas, and we’ll find out on Monday which business ideas were selected. It’s pretty exciting!

Anyway, today all the “bigwigs” came, and it was awesome! It felt like we were literally not in prison for nine hours. We got to sit down with them and have some one-on-one time to talk about our business ideas, and they gave us plenty of tips and information to think about (plus some really great advice). We also got to find out a little about them and what they do, as well as why they come out here to support us. All of these people are awesome. We are truly grateful and lucky to have them on our side. A big thanks to all the executives and volunteers who came out today. This was THE BEST DAY we’ve ever had in prison. Thank you, PEP!

Andrew D. (aka “The Monopoly Man”)



“An athlete is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules.”

– 2 Timothy 2:5

The difference between two people who are trying to accomplish the same thing is the way they choose to accomplish it. You can choose to do right and follow the rules of life, such as being loving, giving, respectful and honest. The simple thing is to give yourself the satisfaction and feeling of doing it the right way.

Life has so many rules. We didn’t follow those simple rules of life, and that alone led us to where we are today: behind bars, away from the love of family and friends. We did easy things the easy way by cutting corners, giving up easily and doing things our way, hoping for a different result. We were blind to what a true role model is and how to do things according to life’s rules. Then you have the accomplishers – those who always follow the rules and set the example of success, who don’t take short cuts and therefore wear the crown proudly. These are men who help blind men like us see what life is like when you follow the rules and refuse to let hard times break us.

Success is not easy; it comes with stress and knowing who we are and what we are made of. To those who are successful and might have a target on your back: we are always looking to see if you cut corners or take the easy way. To the one who makes it, his mission is to do it right.

So which one are you?

Alexander D. (aka “Piglet”)


Week 2

Monday                                                                                             July 15, 2024

Today was a good day here in PEP. It is kind of different than what most of us are used to, to be honest. First, we walked in and went to our nametags and put them on. (This was my first day here in PEP because of transport issues from my other unit.) But those of us who arrived late were excited to finally get here and start new chapters in our lives.

Bruce T. talked to us about finances and told us different ways to budget and how it can help us become financially stable. He also showed us the most common ways we will spend our money based on how a lot of companies target us with advertisements and marketing techniques. For example, simple smells could cause us to buy something they are offering. He also broke down Rent-A-Center places that give us instant gratification but can cause us to spend way more money for the product or service. He said that credit cards can cause us to go into debt and mess up our financial situation. The best way to build credit is to get prepaid credit cards, put money on them and use them for specific expenses like gas or whatever else you might need. He showed us that a simple investment of $3 per day can add up to almost $1 million in 20-30 years!

Today was a great learning experience, and we are all glad to be a part of it.

 Luis C. (aka “Ra-fiki”)


Tuesday                                                                                            July 16, 2024

Today was a great day at PEP! We got a chance to listen to most of our brothers’ Toastmasters speeches. This was called the “Ice Breaker,” which is a speech to introduce ourselves. This was one of our first times going up to the front and speaking to the whole class. We are pretty sure this was nerve wracking for most of us because we have never been in front of a crowd this big, speaking to them on a microphone. Being in front of everyone to talk about our lives and how we grew up was eye-opening and cool. We know each other a little better now to say the least. The person with the microphone had everyone’s attention, and everyone respected the person speaking. Instead of judging a book by its cover, we got to see each person’s reality, and maybe even put ourselves in their shoes and relate to them. Thanks to Toastmasters, we are learning to drop our guard and vibe together as a big family.

We are really having fun with the tasks PEP gives us on a daily basis. We are all working together on some business ideas, helping to bring each idea to life. We finished the day off testing over Chapters 1 and 2 out of the Entrepreneurship textbook, taking our tests on the computers. We went to the computer lab, logged in and took a college-level test, which was pretty cool to accomplish. We all did well, because we all have been studying really hard. After all that, we went back to the dorm and did a pitch panel that capped off the day.

Thank you and God bless!

 Ramon C. (aka “Baby Shark”)


Wednesday                                                                                      July 17, 2024

First and foremost, we would like to thank God the Father, God the Son our Lord Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit for His faithfulness in restoring our souls to our bodies with mercy and grace, giving us another day of full of “life” so we could have a good day. We started the day with prayer and good hygiene, so we are thankful for that. Today in class, the Word of the Day was “thoughts.” Our PEP brothers on the mic were very encouraging and positive. Their inspirational speeches help impact the way we think about ourselves.

As class continued, the real inspiration was watching my fellow classmates practicing their business pitches so we can all better our skills as we learn to start and run a business. Seeing them come out of their shells helps us progress and be more confident when speaking to an audience. Witnessing the determination, confidence and delivery is building character, unity and love.  We had our spirits lifted as we worked harder and became more creative, all while having fun and getting to know each other personally – priceless!

Back in the dorm meditating on today’s Word and business pitch is not easy. And yet, each of us is building self-confidence to give a pitch while also getting help when we make mistakes from our fellow dorm mates, which is truly an expression of love.  Also, a small group got together to study the Bible. Isaiah 55:8-9 says: “‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither your ways my ways,’ saith the Lord.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.’” In other words, let’s not worry about what the world thinks about us, because God’s thoughts for us and his purpose are greater as we learn to trust in our Lord.  Amen.

Paul C. (aka “Sugar Baby”)


Thursday                                                                                         July 18, 2024

What happens when you take a bunch of guys who don’t really believe in themselves and get them to pitch a vision to a bunch of executives? PEP happens! This program gives us the tools we need to do just that while boosting our character at the same time! Today we got to hear from successful corporate marketing executive Carl B. You may not know it, but he helped get us all to know household products such as Swiffer and Dawn dish soap. We also had the opportunity to start believing in ourselves by practicing our pitches in front of our peers! Were they perfect? No, but we are all working and perfecting our pitches, day by day, shaking off the nerves and memorizing our own pitch so we can learn to deliver it effortlessly. We are building confidence as we begin the process of building a business. Some of us missed some lines and others froze up, but help from our Servant-Leaders helped get us over the bumps in the road.

Today was a great day – hearing the lecture from an actual executive was awesome and very interactive. We also went back to the dorms to see our GPAs from the first two chapters’ test scores, which was cool. We were all able to see the fruit of our labors and see how much a little hard work goes a long way and surely pays off. A few of us haven’t felt success in a long time. Today, confidence was buil, ,and we are seeing change come along. We are all in that space and choosing to build the power to choose our response that is creating growth and freedom. Thank you!  

Rocky C. (aka “The Baked Potatoes”)


Friday                                                                                               July 19, 2024

Fridays in class are allotted to such a beneficial part of this curriculum called BetterMan, which includes videos, seminars and group roundtable discussions. Today’s session was so moving and powerful that there were more than a few twinkling eyes being wiped dry. There were points made relating to our individual pasts, both challenging and establishing a framework to determine where we stand in our manhood today. BetterMan also covered six “Looking Back Truths,” including processing “unfinished business” to help us interpret and possibly redirect where we are now as men into the men we hope to become moving forward. This was all eloquently followed by our lead emcee, who effectively and powerfully expressed the need to persevere beyond our pasts.

The second half of the day was dedicated to hearing the remaining brothers give their first Toastmasters speech. The afternoon was filled with many unique and unsurprisingly heart-filled stories. One brother with especially pronounced anxiety regarding public speaking showed exceptional fortitude by actually sharing extremely intimate family stories as he powered through heavy emotion and even tears. We were all both moved and proud of his bravery. Overall, the day was inspirational and peppered with occasional laughter, which always makes things easier. Days like this create the interpersonal insights that make looking forward in life so much easier, allowing us as brothers to lift one another up. Thank you.     

Thad C.  (aka “Crash Bandicoot”)



“Life is not measured by the number of breaths one takes, but by the moments

that take one’s breath away.”

– Maya Angelou


Never are we guaranteed another day in this life, nor is tomorrow a thing of certainty. The only thing we are remotely close to being guaranteed is this moment, and that can end at any given time. Most people in this world are so driven by the fear of life coming to an end that they want to live for all eternity. Maybe we do carry on living for eternity outside of this so-called meat suit. So, I ask: what is eternity worth if none of your dreams or goals ever get accomplished, and you end up not enjoying it?

I am in no way suggesting that we should not plan for the future, but what I simply suggest is to live in and appreciate each moment. Give yourself the chance and opportunity to engage and experience life to the fullest. What is a dull day in comparison to a day filled with adventure or excitement? How about a day full of laughter, or comedy and joy, as opposed to “just getting by” or “just making it through the day”? We are here for more than just that. We aren’t here just to survive, but we have the ability to do whatever our hearts desire, and that requires making certain choices. Is this life without purpose? Are we not expected to take pleasure in and to cherish things, even specific moments? Why do we have the ability to feel emotions if not to utilize, live out and experience them? It is time to stop counting only the years, months and days, but also our all-important breaths. Start to live and count those moments that take your breath away. I am certain you will lead a much happier and fulfilled life.   

Jefferson C. (aka “Captain ‘Wack’ Sparrow”)

Week 1

Monday                                                                                             July 9, 2024 

Welcome to this journal entry for the first day of class! Today was a very special one here in PEP because it is our first day of having a fresh start! It was a lot of fun, and this was nothing we expected from a prison program. We were assigned “fun names” (nicknames) that were unique to each of us. This was to help “loosen us up” and to contribute to the whole PEP experience. We had a lot of laughs for sure!

Then we were introduced to a man named Bruce T., the facilitator for the Living in the Village curriculum that he will be teaching us from about financial literacy. Bruce T.’s “Steve Jobs aura” filled the room instantly as he took the stand accompanied by his warm voice, subliminally complementing his humming humility complementing with his confident hand gestures. He led us through the first two chapters of the workbook that touched on topics ranging from the financial history of The Great Depression to creating a household budget.

Last stop on our scholastically itinerary was the introduction to Toastmasters International. We learned how serious this class is and how it should not be taken lightly. This class is strictly business, but all for everyone’s betterment. In Toastmasters, we will learn how to communicate in front of groups efficiently and effectively by receiving constructive criticism on our speech presentations. The most important part of this curriculum is that we will learn how to actively listen – and that, my fellow Toastmasters, is the most crucial part of all communication!

We voluntarily applied for and were selectively chosen by the finest program offered in correctional facilities across the nation. All in all, the class ended on a high note with much anticipation for the months to come on our journey to becoming better men and great entrepreneurs. Thank you and God bless!

Tommy A. (aka “Happy Gilmore”)


Tuesday                                                                                            July 10, 2024

There was never a dull moment in our PEP class today. From the moment we walked through the door, there was an abundance of positive energy along with laughter, all within the confines of professionalism and an eagerness to learn. We have a daily ritual here in PEP, so every morning when we arrive in class, we acknowledge our fellow classmates by exchanging smiles and handshakes amongst each other. After that, to break up the intensity of the day, we all head to the “back of the room!” Then we begin to dance toward the front of the room, down the middle aisle to each of our assigned seats – but we continue to stand while one of our PEP brothers begins to pray us in to start the class off.

Today’s program began with our business plan coaches giving a speech about what is expected of our individual business pitches that we will each present in front of a panel of executives. The coaches explained everything we needed to know to be fully prepared. It was very reassuring to see the time and energy they are willing to put into our presentations so that we can exceed expectations. These guys are giving back to us, and it is awesome.

Character is also a big part of this program, so we are not just learning about entrepreneurship, but also how our character is very important to being a successful business owner. PEP is equipping us with the tools needed to become valuable members of society. We watched a video about being better men, and it is a series we will be watching throughout our time here in PEP. It was a very interesting video about morals and values of being a man and how it affects our lives in positive or negative ways. It showed us how we can take steps toward becoming better husbands and/or fathers.

To end the day on a lighter note, we spent the remainder of our day practicing our business pitches in front of the class and showcasing our business ideas. PEP has Fun as a Driving Value, because as they say, “work is an important part of life, and it should be fun and rewarding”!

  Phillip A. (aka “Escalito”)


Wednesday                                                                                      July 11, 2024

Today we listened to everyone’s business plans, and as they got up there you could tell that all our nerves were going crazy. Some of us got up there and nailed it, while others stumbled and stammered. But that was good for us to do, considering it helps us fix what we have wrong with delivering our business pitches. In the end, we executed pretty well. We have some really good ideas, and we only have about 90 seconds to impress the judges and become CEOs. This program is giving us a great jumpstart in the right direction. We all came into the classroom not knowing what to expect, but it has become more than we thought to be honest. We enjoy being surrounded by like-minded individuals, and we will all make this run together.

Today was pretty fun, and after we pitched our ideas, we went to eat lunch. Then we all went back to the dorm, where we did what we needed to get done before learning that we wouldn’t have the second half of class today. They had something called Clubhouse for the previous PEP graduates where they come together and talk about important subjects. Executives come in and speak with the men and share ideas and information that is needed to succeed. We held a practice pitch panel in the dorm which ended our day.

All in all, today was a busy day. We are blessed to be here and cannot wait for tomorrow to get here. Thank you and God bless!

Kevin B. (aka “Carlton from Fresh Prince”)


Thursday                                                                                         July 12, 2024

Today was an exciting day in PEP! We were honored to have our first guest speaker come and share with us about Chapters 1 and 2 from our Entrepreneurship textbook. We are all extremely grateful because his presentation was excellent, and he answered a lot of tough questions.

The day started out with our Servant-Leaders sharing the Word of the Day, which was “acceptance.” We talked about letting go and the power of turning our lives over to God. To know acceptance is to know peace, because the stress of trying to control our lives will melt away once we accept God into our hearts and realize we are all part of His plan. Our Servant-Leaders then passed out our Business Pitch Competition signature sheets and reminded us of the importance of getting our pitches memorized. After that, we welcomed three of our brothers from the current class to the front of the classroom to wish them Happy Birthday, PEP-style.

In the Entrepreneurship presentation on Chapter 1, we covered topics such as critical elements for success and economies of scale. We also learned about the difference between venture capital-backed firms and entrepreneurial firms. In Chapter 2, we learned the importance of having an entrepreneurial orientation through the examination of risk tolerance, boundaries and personality. We also learned the best chance at success is to form a business doing something we enjoy. One other thing our guest speaker told us is to not be afraid to fail. With that, he gave an example about professional baseball players and how even the very best batters “fail” the majority of the time.

After class, we held a pitch panel, allowing those of us in the current class to practice our business pitches in front of everyone in the pod. We ended the day with accountability group meetings, in which each member evaluated the group leader by picking one of the 10 Driving Values that he is strong in and one that he can improve upon.           

Justin B.  (aka “Abe Lincoln”)


Friday                                                                                               July 13, 2024

Hello PEP alumni, PEP brothers and family members. We would like to give you some insight on how our Friday went. We began with a beautiful, warm welcome by our Servant-Leaders as we entered the PEP classroom. We all retrieved our name badges and found our designated seats for our morning prayer. PEP’s In-Prison Manager, Adam W., prepared a devotional discussing a powerful message from the book of Matthew. We enjoyed Adam W.’s devotional as well as the time we shared together as brothers. We were then dismissed for our scheduled lunch break, bringing our first half of the day to an end.

As we returned for our second half of the day, a few our Servant-Leaders (graduates) and Peer Educators took the time to help us understand how our tests would take place, including things like chair positioning, rules, etc. We then proceeded to watch a video to help us on our personality test we were about to take. We also watched a video on how our tests would be taken on the computer on Tuesday. Our Peer Educators helped explain what the tests will look like and how to navigate through them. We were told some of us will take the test on laptops in the computer room we have here.

After all that, we started taking our personality tests, and we were all able to utilize the knowledge we had just learned. Finally, as our day was winding down, we had a few questions come up. One of the main questions was about what PEP has available to newly-released PEP graduates. Adam W. took the floor and began to give us a breakdown of the many benefits PEP offers. It was eye opening, and we all really needed to hear that information.

Thank you for reading this, and God bless!      

 Lemuel B. (aka “Dr. Evil”)



“Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatness.”

– John F. Kennedy, Jr.


Romans 8:28 tells us that “for those who love God, all things work together for good.” So why is it that we as human beings see failure as a means to an end, a loss of self, damaged pride, and/or a sense of emotional balance that can never be restored? Failure is merely a stepping stone to success and without experiencing it, growth is not possible. But we are stubborn creatures of habit and reluctant to change. We fail to acknowledge that our level of success in life will rarely exceed our level of personal development. For some (including me), turning down the noise of the world around us and removing all the free world distractions that materialism offers us, leaving only our innermost thoughts, is terrifying. It is during these times that our beliefs, faith and structural soundness of our values will be tested. But fear not, for a period of physical confinement can lead to a state of mental liberation.

In my own journey, I have found that my inability to forgive and be grateful for my life in this present moment was hindering me on my path to enlightenment and becoming a more authentic version of myself. Know that at times you may be lost, but you are never forgotten. You may become weary and fall, but it is always a choice to get back up and continue on. Greatness cannot be defined by a moment in time or the successes of a lifetime; it can only be attained by the relentless pursuit of humility, embracing the inevitable failures you will face and being grateful for the opportunity to learn from them.

Sean C. (aka “Elon Musky”)